
To inspire and foster spiritual growth in one another and in the community.

Unity Center of Reno prides itself in our strong commitment to serving our community in partnering with local organizations that support others that are less fortunate. Throughout the year we organize to raise funds and collect goods to help meet those needs.

Reaching out to the community and serving others inspires spiritual growth in those that are serving as well as receiving. As we foster love in action this often brings a new awareness, healing within, and a purpose to our lives.

Unity Center’s Outreach program meets the first Sunday of each month after Sunday service.

If you would like to serve in this program and have ideas on how to serve contact April Liu at lizzieliu22@gmail.com

Continuous Support

Angel Network is an aspect of pastoral care providing connections within Unity Center’s Community with those who may need rides to church/medical appointment, meals and visits during times of grief, illness, or periods of isolation. Our team is ready and willing to provide this care for you.

If you have a need please contact Laurie Minsal at 661-478-2975 or LaurieMinsal57@gmail.com

In need of prayer?

Affirmative prayer is key to the Unity movement. Your prayer request is sacred to us and is kept private and confidential.

There are 3 ways to request prayer.

1. Send a prayer request to Julie Davis-Bingham at hammlett@aol.com.

2. After Sunday Service meet with a Prayer Chaplain one-on-one or fill out a prayer request slip and put into the prayer box. (both in the foyer)

3. Also, you can contact The Unity Prayer Ministry (Silent Unity®), They pray with people of all faiths around the globe each year. You can make a prayer request online at unity.org/static/welcome-unity-prayer-ministry or speak with a prayer associate by calling 816 969-2000 or (800) 669-7729 Toll FREE. There is never a charge for prayer.

St. Vincent’s Dining Room / Ongoing Project

The St. Vincent’s Dining Room is Reno’s oldest “soup kitchen” welcoming all who are hungry in our community. The dining room serves a free hot take-out style lunch and dinner to over 1,000 people a day, 7 days a week.

Join us the fourth Saturday each month serving meals and clean-up at St. Vincent’s Dining Room. It involves a 2 to 3 hours shift, standing and walking, bending. Sign-up in the community room.

For questions contact April Liu at LizzieLiu22@gmail.com for more information.

St. Vincent’s Food Pantry / Ongoing Project

The St. Vincent’s Food Pantry is the largest food pantry in northern Nevada, serving more than 15,000 people each month. They offer non-perishable, canned, and packaged food products to individuals and families in need at no cost.

Unity Center has a collection barrel for items located in the CommUnity room. PEANUT BUTTER is our specialty, although any non-perishable foods and hygiene products are accepted. The first Sunday of each month we donate it to the Food Pantry.

Any questions contact John Williamson at 775-240-0189 or johnbmw@charter.net

Projects in the Works or Completed

Stay tuned for our next Outreach Project…

Helping Hero’s Holiday Drive / Complete for 2024

The Veteran’s Guest House provides veterans and their families’ cost-free, welcoming, overnight accommodations while they are receiving medical care in the Reno/Sparks area.
In partnership with the community, the Guest House eliminates barriers to access for medical care. Your generosity provides veterans and their family members a safe place to stay so they can focus on their health.
Unity Outreach donated $1035.00 and many clothing items for The Veteran’s Guest House.

Any question ask April Liu at lizzieliu22@gmail.com
We Thank you for your support!

Reno Pride Festival and Parade / Complete for 2024

Saturday, September 7th

Unity Center has reached out to the LGBTQ+ community to share our spiritual principles and lots of free material! www.unity.org/lgbtq

Contact Laurie Minsal at laurieminsal57@gmail.com for more information.

Baily Charter School Books / Complete for 2024

Thank you to our generous Unity community for your donations! We were able to raise funds to purchase 66 books for 22 students to read this summer. We purchased the books from Grassroots Books with their help.

Any questions contact Barbara Williamson at 775-527-2580 or barbbw@charter.net

For the Love of Animals / Complete for 2024

We will be collecting funds and items on 1/28, 2/4, and 2/11 after Sunday services.

Each February we raise funds and collect needed items for the Canine Rehabilitation Center and Cat Sanctuary. https://www.crccs.org

Any questions contact Barbara Williamson at 775-527-2580 or barbbw@charter.net